Phone: 08 9842 5155
Helps local small to medium WA enterprises and organisations advance their export and trade activities and build their competitiveness in new Asian markets.
This competitive program provides grants of up to $27,500 (excluding GST) to eligible Western Australian SMEs and organisations. Recipients will need to provide a net co-cash contribution at a ratio of at least 20:80 applicant-to-State Government funding.
This competitive program provides grants of up to $30,000 (excluding GST) to eligible Western Australian SMEs and organisations. Recipients will need to provide a net co-cash contribution at a ratio of at least 20:80 applicant-to-State Government funding.
Projects must be in at least one of the following Diversify WA priority sectors:
Eligible criteria:
And your business/organisation is:
Click here to view full funding guidelines on the provider's website.
Smith Thornton subscribes to a grant search provider and can help you prepare your grant application. If you have any questions our Business Services Advisor Jenna van Nierop will be happy to assist. You can email her at or call her on 9842 5155.
234 Stirling Tce
Albany, WA 6330
PO Box 5445
Albany, WA 6332
CPA Australia
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